06/12/2021 – The Ironman release

You know with Ironman comes greater style and next generation innovation and that’s what this release is all about –  a new logo, a new and slicker UI and a couple of new features and functions to make your experience better.

Star Favorite Nodes

Like with the trees, you can now star your favourite nodes in your tree.​

Quick navigation to starred nodes

Access your favourite nodes in a whim using the control bar.​

Pop a node out into its own tree

Turn an over-grown/important node into a tree with a single click.​

Add estimates

Add story points / t shirt sizes or whatever metric you use to estimate your projects

Add Assignees, Status and Tags to multiple nodes

With the multi-select feature, you can now easily assign, add status and tags to multiple nodes at once.​

Well, that’s it for this release – until the next release, please visit the site (sign in or sign up) and tell us what you think about these features and improvements and reach us at [email protected] with any observations and suggestions or just to say hi.