15/11/2021 – The Spiderman release

The Spiderman release sees us bring a couple of exciting features to The Garden to make planning, collaborating and managing work easier regardless of your preferred project management style.

We’ve also fixed a couple of bugs and made iterations based on the feedback we received from our testers and breakers whom we are eternally grateful to.

Manage work off your tree using our Kanban boards: Assign tasks, set work status, manage attachments and set due dates.

kanban boards management

Assign tasks and manage work directly off your Trees: Don’t want to use Kanban boards? Prefer using visual tools? Manage work directly off your trees as you would using the kanban boards.

Manage work off trees

Dynamic branches based on tags: Convert tags into branches for easier management and access.

dynamic branches based on tags

Drag-and-drop tree and board rearrangement: Easily change the position of nodes on trees and cards on boards using the drag-and-drop feature.

drag and drop arrangement

Improved Control Bar: Search for nodes on your trees based on tags and/or status, multi-select nodes, zoom in and zoom out on trees using our improved control bar.

Improved control bar

Collapsible Control Bar: Expand and collapse the control bar easily to maximize space.

collapsible control bar

Notifications: Instant notifications delivered to the inbox of your registered email as soon as there is any activity on trees and boards you are mentioned in or assigned to.

instant email notifications

Starred Trees: Star your favourite trees and access them easily in the starred section.

star trees

We’ve also managed to fix bugs and are still working to make the site even better with our upcoming release in the coming weeks.

Kindly visit the site (sign in or sign up) and tell us what you think about these features and improvements and reach us at [email protected] with any observations and suggestions or just to say hi.