Grow Great Ideas

Create infinitely nested trees that represent anything from your product vision to planning a party.

Then turn your plans and vision into managed work.

We built Amalati to add meaning to work and make your life easier.

Evolve your plans and context with trees

Keeping the big picture of your plans and context can be a challenge.

Use trees to manage hierarchical information and present a single source of truth to your stakeholders.

Execute and track work using boards

Seamlessly transition from the big picture on trees to the daily to-dos needed to make the big picture a reality on boards.

Transform your plans into actual work that can be estimated, assigned and tracked.

Organise everything with tags

Tags help you extend the context and work with information more easily.

Create and assign tags on the fly, filter by them and create boards directly from tags!

Collaborate with others in real-time

Working with others on your tree means you can get instant feedback and build more representative products.

Invite and work with your team in real-time to help keep your trees well-communicated and relevant.

Use Amalati for...

Amalati is a simple yet highly effective tool for many important business processes.

Fair & Simple Pricing​

All paid plans come with a 30-day, no quibble, 100% money back guarantee